2022-06-13 10:00 CEST

110 kV Recław-Maszewo overhead line – application of the rotating rollers method

110 kV Recław-Maszewo overhead line – application of the rotating rollers method

During the works on the 110 kV Recław-Maszewo power line, we have recently used the method of rotating rollers. These activities were related to the replacement of working and lightning conductors above the S6 expressway and the replacement of strong poles adjacent to the S6 road lane (section 16-17).
The works were agreed with GDDKiA and were carried out when the road lane was occupied and the temporary change in traffic organization was introduced.

The basic principle of the technology for replacing existing cables with new cables using the rotating rollers method is that the existing AFL cable, which serves as the initial cable for pulling the new cable, and the new cable itself will always be in a taut position and will not drop below the cable sag. The string that is pulled through is under tension and is additionally secured with the help of an auxiliary cord and rotating rollers. The use of this method was possible due to the shifting of the location of the poles adjacent to the road lane in relation to the original design, which made it possible to use the existing cables as a preliminary cable for the construction of a new section. This approach brought us significant savings, because the agreement of this technology reduced the area of the road lane, reduced the costs associated with the construction of scaffolding or other security in the form of gates and lifts for the duration of the works, and did not interfere with traffic on the S6 road.

During the works, we used equipment such as: a brake hammer, a winch, a HDS car, a brigade car, a basket lift.
We sincerely thank the brigades and everyone involved for their excellent work!