2022-04-08 10:00 CEST

Reconstruction of the 110 kV Żabiniec-Borynia-Żory power line

Reconstruction of the 110 kV Żabiniec-Borynia-Żory power line

We are starting work on the reconstruction of the 110 kV overhead power line Żabiniec-Borynia-Żory. The scope of our activities includes obtaining transmission easement on plots of land with positions as well as construction and assembly works on three 110 kV lines:

  1. Reconstruction of the II-track line Żabiniec-Borynia / Pniówek-Suszec from the section 68 to MES Żabiniec
  2. Reconstruction of the I-track line from the section 67 to MES Żory
  3. Reconstruction of the I-track line from the section 68 to MES Borynia

We are currently awaiting approval of the operating instructions for lines crossing 110 kV overhead lines and approval of shutdowns of individual 110 kV lines. As you can see in the photos, most of the materials have already been delivered to the construction site.
Our brigades are ready to start, so as soon as we get the required approvals, we go to work!