2023-04-21 10:00 CEST

Modernization of the 400 kV Słupsk-Żarnowiec power line

Modernization of the 400 kV Słupsk-Żarnowiec power line

#EltelNetworksTeam has started works related to the modernization of the 400 kV Słupsk – Żarnowiec overhead line with the construction of a section of the 400 kV line Choczewo – the incision of the Słupsk – Żarnowiec line in the scope of modernization of the 400 kV Słupsk – Żarnowiec line on the section Słupsk Substation – tower no. 353.

The investment includes the design and execution of modernization works for the 400 kV Słupsk – Żarnowiec power line on the section Słupsk Substation – tower no. 353. This will allow the line to be adapted to increased current carrying capacity, while maintaining the distance of phase conductors to earth and to crossed facilities in accordance with the requirements of the Polish Standard PN-E-05100-1:1998 “Power overhead lines. Design and construction. Alternating current lines with bare working conductors” and with a margin of 0.5 m in relation to the requirements of this standard. In the area of a tower no. 353, the modernized section of the power line will be connected to the new double-circuit power line, which will be built to the Choczewo Substation.
The project covers formal and legal matters, design, construction and assembly works as well as the supply of all materials necessary for its implementation. The investment is covered by the Transmission Act (item 50 of the Annex to the Transmission Act) and will be implemented on the basis of one or more Location Decisions obtained by the Contractor. The Location Decisions obtained by the Contractor will also constitute the basis for the right to dispose of the real estate for construction purposes, which is necessary to obtain the works.

The 400 kV Słupsk – Żarnowiec power line was built in 1977 and adapted to work at a temperature of +40°C in working conductors. It is located in the Pomeranian Voivodeship and runs through 5 poviats and 7 communes. The section of the power line covered by the contract, i.e. from Słupsk Substation to the tower no. 353, runs through the area of 3 poviats and 5 communes:

  • rural commune of Słupsk (19.6 km)
  • Damnica (12.1 km)
  • Główczyce (15.5 km)
  • Nowa Wieś Leborska (15.1 km)
  • Łęczyce (0.4 km)

Congratulations to the involved brigades and good luck in the task!