Technical visit of energy infrastructure designers to a client in Mozambique
At the beginning of the month, our design services specialists travelled to Mozambique to visit the construction site of power lines and substations being built as part of the Chimuara-Nacala Power Transmission project. Eltel Networks Engineering provides substantive support to the client acting as the contract engineer in this project, which is important from the point of view of Mozambique’s energy security. The task performed consists of:
- construction of a new 400 kV overhead power line with a length of 367 km
- construction of the new New Chimuara substation
- extension of the Alto Molocue substation
During the visit, the quality of work at the New Chimuara station and at selected positions on the line was randomly assessed. A number of technical issues related to ongoing and planned works were discussed with the client’s employees, as well as experience gained from the implementation of the task in such an exotic environment. During the stay, our representatives also took part in meetings between the investor, the general contractors of substations and lines, the contract engineer, and representatives of the bank that provided credit for the project. The purpose of the visit of the bank’s representatives was to recognize the progress of the works and directly discuss the aspects that may affect meeting the deadline.
Currently, the completion date of the investment is scheduled for mid-2023.
Well done #EltelNetworksTeam!