Voltage regulators for MV networks
Alterga has unique and long-standing experience on the Polish market in the delivery and commissioning of voltage regulators. The devices we offer are ideal for Renewable Energy Sources, such as photovoltaic or wind farms. Depending on the characteristics of the power grid, RES generation can have a negative impact on voltage parameters. Our products provide a solution to problems with too high or too low voltages in MV networks.
We offer devices for voltage regulation in medium voltage networks. Voltage regulation is carried out by means of a single-phase autotransformer with on-load tap changer.
Key features of our solution:
voltage regulation by using a booster winding with on-load tap changer
installation in an open (2 devices) or closed (3 devices) delta configuration allowing for a regulation range of +/- 10% and 15% of the input voltage, respectively
bidirectional operation
voltage regulation at RES generation sources
no possibility of overcompensation of the network – possibility of voltage regulation at a high power factor cosφ
no overvoltage and overcurrent phenomena characteristic of capacitors
possibility of moving voltage regulators to another location or investment for a given group of recipients, e.g. construction of a Grid Connection Point
attractive cost compared to other investments aimed at improving voltage parameters
pole-mounted installation inside the network or foundation placement on the premises of the substation
control and communication connected with the operator’s SCADA
Our comprehensive service, related to voltage regulation in MV networks, includes:
- analytical work, selection of the device and installation site
- design of the optimal solution
- delivery of voltage regulators
- installation on a pole or substation site
- commissioning of the equipment
- 5-year warranty period
- possibility of signing a post-warranty agreement
- operation and periodical inspections
In the area of voltage regulator installation, Alterga already has a number of successful implementations in the distribution system operators’ sector. Our devices also perform very well in the RES sector, where voltage level fluctuations are common.