420 kV Reisadalen – Skillemoen power line, Norway
Construction of new 90 km long 420 kV transmission line from Reisadalen to Skillemoen, Norway

The construction of this power line was related to a strategic program to ensure security of electricity supply in Rogaland County, Norway. The Reisadalen – Skillemoen line is a part of the future Balsfjord-Skaidi line. The project was realized by Eltel Networks AS for the investor. Eltel Networks Energetyka SA has made qualified team available to carry out work related to the construction of overhead lines of highest voltage level, which were conducted by an international project group consisting of specialists from 6 countries. The tasks, in which Eltel Networks’ employees participated, included all work related to the construction of overhead line, except for the foundation works:
- horizontal and vertical assembly of poles
- stringing works on the 420 kV line (insulation, wires, regulation)
- OPGW tensioning works
It was extremely important for our client to perform the work and achieve the milestones within the time intervals determined by environmental decisions taking into account, among others, typical Norwegian protection period for reindeer herds. The project was organizationally and logistically demanding as it was conducted under extreme climatic conditions (winter aura from September to May) and in terrain difficult to access. The work was performed in 80% in mountain areas, very difficult access. Accordingly, there were three different ways of moving along the line, depending on the season: helicopters, quads and snowmobile. Our employees had to obtain the appropriate permissions to move freely with these means of transport and be familiar with the routes that they could navigate (the so-called CEMP maps). Often, employees lived for many weeks in high mountain bases, with the option to descend only on days off (due to difficult accessibility and weather conditions). In addition, all employees participating in the project had to pass the exam in the safe driving school, which trained them to navigate safely on icy roads and to behave properly in dangerous situations. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and restrictions related to travel limitations as well as the necessity to undergo quarantine for our team when travelling to Norway were also important for the implementation of the project. In addition to technical aspects, Eltel Networks providing the service in Norway, also had to ensure full compliance of the work organization with the standards of working time and principles of wage settlement and taxation rules applicable locally.
The construction of the 420 kV Reisadalen – Skillemoen line took 2.5 years. It was a complex project, executed in an efficient, safe and environmentally friendly way. All tasks were carried out efficiently, in high quality and on time, while maintaining safety at the highest level. Our teams have been appreciated not only for high standards of works, but also for good collaboration, quick response to customer needs and flexibility of resources. Finally, the most important effect of our teams’ work was the effective support of the Contractor in delivering the contracted scope of work.