Construction of the FDIR smart grid, Sicienko area, Poland
Construction of the FDIR smart grid through the modernization and reconstruction of the MV and LV power line and substation

Completing this task allowed us to join the elite group of several companies on the energy market that comprehensively build FDIR networks in Poland. Formal and legal works lasted from the beginning of 2020 to March 2022, when we received the last building permit. Then the construction of the line started and lasted less than 4 months – it was a really fast job! As a result, one of the few FDIR smart grid was built on such a long section – over 13 km.
Szymon Wierzchowski
Project Director
Eltel Networks Energetyka SA
The work undertaken by Eltel Networks consisted of the construction of the MV FDIR Sicienko 5 power line. The FDIR system means detecting the fault location (FD – Fault Detection), its isolation (I – Isolation), and then restoring the power supply (R – Restoration). The exact title of the task was “Construction of a smart grid in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship (Bydgoszcz area) by modernizing and rebuilding MV and LV lines and substations, automating lines and stations as a result of using remote control and power protection automation, including short-circuit current flow indicators “. Our activities consisted of:
- establishing an easement along the entire route of the power line
- construction of over 11 km of 15 kV overhead line
- construction of almost 2.8 km of cable line
- construction and commissioning of the Sicienko 5 transformer station
- replacement of 82 meters, 9 sets of voltage sensors and 19 THO disconnectors
- configuration of the FDIR smart grid in the SCADA system
The final effect of our work is the construction of the FDIR smart grid in the Sicienko area. The applied FDIR system makes it possible to detect the fault location (FD – Fault Detection) and to isolate it (I – Isolation) in order to rebuild the power supply (R – Restoration). This solution significantly improves the operating parameters of the MV network, constituting one of the elements of a comprehensive network automation and failure handling system. The investor, by using the FDIR system, has obtained:
- improvement of network performance
- improvement of network management conditions
- strengthening energy security in the area of the Sicienko commune
- reducing the number of customers without power supply in an emergency
- increasing the safety of work and people
For the first time, Eltel Networks performed works related to the construction of FDIR smart grid, which allowed us to gain unique practical experience and successfully complete the investment.