Operation of transformers in Poland
Examples of operational works of transformers and chokes installed at substations in Poland

The greatest challenge in the operation of transformers is workers’ availability and often immediate readiness to carry out orders from our customers. Outage plans for specific transformer units are made from week to week or sometimes from day to day. The #EltelNetworksTeam must always be prepared to go into the field if there is a necessary shutdown or sudden transformer failure. The knowledge and commitment of each employee of our team contributes to professional and timely execution of orders on a daily basis, which is unquestionably confirmed by positive work acceptance reports.
Wiesław Gronko
Head of the Transformers Operation Section
Eltel Networks Energetyka SA
In every power substation the key device is a transformer. It requires constant maintenance of all components in order to avoid events that could lead to dangerous emergency situations. The Operations Department of Eltel Networks (transformers section) meets such needs, offering comprehensive maintenance and repair services for transformers, autotransformers and chokes with voltages from 6 kV to 750 kV. We operate transformers at various power facilities, i.e. transmission stations, power plants and combined heat and power plants throughout the country.
In 2022, we worked on over 150 different types of transformers with power ranging from 16 MVA to 500 MVA. We performed both current and planned maintenance works resulting from signed contracts for inspections and maintenance of energy infrastructure, as well as sudden repairs of transformer failures requiring immediate action.
The main scope of our operational works included:
- measurements of transformers – periodic, operational and post-failure
- revisions of on-load tap changers
- inspections of MR Rainhausen tap changers with the participation of the manufacturer’s service technician (we have a partnership agreement with MR Rainhausen)
- comprehensive repairs of transformers at the place of installation (replacement of bushings, replacement of all seals, internal inspections)
- comprehensive inspections of transformers to keep transformers in good, trouble-free condition for a long period of time
- transformer oil testing in our oil laboratory
- DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) chromatographic analysis at the place of installation of the unit
- sale and delivery of ready-to-fill transformer oil
- replacement of silica gel
- failure removal
In 2022, we prepared and signed 564 work acceptance protocols with our customers, which confirms our professionalism, quality and timely execution of the entrusted tasks.
We always approach each service performed for a client with full commitment, using the knowledge and specialized practical experience. The skills acquired over the years of working on the power infrastructure allow us to detect many small, sometimes seemingly insignificant, faults, which, left unrepaired, could lead to serious failures in the future. The comprehensive services of operation and repairs of transformers, autotransformers and chokes provided by Eltel Networks allow our customers to maintain individual elements of the energy infrastructure in a fully operational and safe condition, and thus ensure energy security of the society in Poland.
Satisfaction and recommendations of clients for whom we work or have worked often result in new invitations to further tasks and extended cooperation. A number of exemplary implementations result in positive acceptance of the works and references that open the door to new clients. This is the greatest reward for us and recognition for specialist knowledge and experience gained.