110/15 kV Pomorzany substation, Poland
Construction of the 110/15 kV Pomorzany substation with 110 kV and 15 kV power line connections

The implementation of these numerous and modern functionalities contributes to the creation of a more intelligent, flexible and reliable power system. Thanks to this, consumers can enjoy higher quality energy supplies, and we can better monitor, manage and maintain energy infrastructure.
Marcin Gawroński
President of Enea Operator
The construction of the Pomorzany substation was a huge challenge for #EltelNetworksTeam. Starting with terrain conditions, formal documentation, organizational arrangements and ending with technological solutions. After the successful completion of the work, we can surely admit that it was one of the most complex substation projects implemented by Eltel Networks Engineering SA and Eltel Networks Energetyka SA in recent years.
Michał Gwadera
General Designer
Head of the Station and Telecommunications Department
Eltel Networks Engineering SA
Location: Szczecin, Pomorzany
Investment cost: PLN 47 mln
Completion: 2019 – 2023
- 16-bay 110 kV switchgear in GIS technology, with the possibility of expansion to 6 additional bays
- 22-bay 15 kV switchgear, with the possibility of expansion to 18 additional bays
two 110/15 kV transformers with a power of 25 MVA - 2 earthing units
- four 110 kV cable lines (including two double-circuit) with cable poles
- 16 km of 15 kV cable power lines
#EltelNetworksTeam started the assignment after winning the tender and signing the contract with the investor. The scope of our work included:
- obtaining formal and legal documentation
- obtaining the right to the real estate on which power line facilities were built
- development of construction designs
- obtaining construction permits, arrangements with network operators and connected entities
- development of detailed designs
- implementation of construction works including the construction of an indoor 110/15 kV substation along with the reconstruction and cabling of overhead sections of the 110 kV line
- construction and reconstruction of the 15 kV power network in the area of the planned Pomorzany substation along with connection to the new 15 kV switchgear
Moreover, as part of the task, we constructed the infrastructure necessary for the proper functioning of the facility (substation building, internal roads, installations, connections, etc.). As part of the design work, complete as-built documentation and an operating manual were developed.
It turned out that a particularly difficult part of the investment was engineering works related to the foundation of the facility in extremely unfavourable ground conditions (non-load-bearing soil – peat up to -15 m below ground level and high groundwater level). The above required the use of special solutions for the foundation of the facility. An additional factor complicating the implementation of design and construction works was the very limited area intended for the construction of the substation and its location.
Design work began with the development of a detailed, multi-variant concept of design solutions, including transitional stages. The approach used made it possible to minimize the outage time of individual parts of the distribution network and the nearby heat and power plant, for which the 110/15 kV Pomorzany substation is a key facility of the power output system. Based on the developed multi-variant concept, a number of consultations and arrangements were made with the investor and connected entities, which enabled the selection of the optimal solution adopted for implementation.
As a result of the work performed by Eltel Networks, our client received a modern facility, which is a key part of the power distribution network in Szczecin and the surrounding area. The built 110/15 kV Pomorzany substation increases the reliability of power supply in the Szczecin agglomeration and contributes to the increase in the network’s potential to connect additional electricity recipients and renewable energy sources.
The successful, professional execution of the project confirmed our belief that we are capable of carrying out design and execution works of a high level of complexity. As a design office, in addition to extensive technical experience gained from the construction of Pomorzany Substation, we have also implemented organizational solutions enabling remote design work and inter-industry coordination, which will allow us in the future to flexibly and effectively cooperate with investors in the power industry.